Little disgruntled female Warthog maquette

Little Disgruntled Female Warthog
27/10/25h (cm) mounted upon patinated stainless steel base 33/15/35h (cm) Edition /15.Available on order.
The tortoise and The hare.
The Great Race (Aesop's Fable)

The Great Race! The eternal Tortoise and Hare, haring here and haring there.
Small Maquette. Bronze. Edition 2/15.
Set with Rubies and Diamonds.
Size; 15/8/15h (cm) Pin, stainless steel with Sterling Silver shank. length5 (cm) upon its Sandstone block of 10/5/15h (cm)

Hedgehog. A sniffly snuffly rooting for beetles in the hedge kind of fellow.. Bronze. 18/18/12(cm) Base; 25/18/3.5(cm)
Edition /12. Now available in the studio.

Springtime Hare. Bronze. Size; 20L/ 10W/ 29H.
Edition 1/15.
Now available in the studio.
Bat-eared Foxy

Nguni Bull Maquette

Nguni Bull bust maquette. Bronze. Size: 28/22/28 (cm) mounted upon its patinated stainless steel base.
Available in the studio.
Little Sprinting Cheetah

Little Sprinting Cheetah Maquette, in mid-flight, what a sight!
Bronze, size; 36l/ 12w/54H (cm)upon its base of 15/33/4(cm) Edition 2/15.Now available in the studio.
Bat Eared Foxy
Available in the studio
Squirrel Edition: 2/9 Size: 28h x 15b x 20l cm. Now available in the studio.


'Pussycat', based on a portrait of our own marvelous Mephistopheles.
'Pussycat Pussycat what did you there?
A Squirrel hindquater,under your chair' Bronze. Edition 2/8, size; 57h/34l/ 14b (cm) patinated stainless steel base; 22/16/9(cm) Immediately Available.
Afrikander Bull maquette
Afrikaner Bull maquette.
A Rare home-grow breed indeed..
Edition: 3/12
Size: 23 h x 17 b x 30l cm
Currently available in the studio
Sprinting Warthog Maquette

Sprinting Warthog Maquette Grrroink!!!.Bronze.Edition: /15
Size: 38h x 44b x 10l cm
Available on order.
Small Sprinting Hare

Small Sprinting Hare.Bronze.
Edition: 6/12
Size: 21h x 18b x 15l cm
'Ever Running, never there'
Currently available in the studio.
Greyhound maquette.
Edition: 7/15
Size: 20h x20b x10l cm Mounted upon patinated stainless steel base 20L/10B/5h (cm) Now available in the studio

Brave, Brave Mouse
Mr. Mouse
(A Brave, brave Mouse)
"And I am not afraid of anything"
Edition: 2/12
Size: 18h x 9b x 14l (cm)Available on order.
Leopard Bust

Leopard Bust Bronze.'Portrait of Ravenscourt" with his mauled ear and a forbidding stare.
28/27/39 (cm) mounted upon patinated stainless steel base 22/20/8.5 (cm)
Available on order.

Bushbaby. Edition 2/12 .Bronze.
Size; 19cm/ 15cm/28cm H. (cm)
He swivels upon a pin to enable you, to cuddle him.
Currently available in the studio.


Large Running Warthog maquette
What a pig.
650/740/220mm upon Patinated Stainless steel.
Medium: bronze Ed 3/12 Available on order.
Running Warthog Maquette 2